IEA World Congress, Lisboa, Portugal, 9-13 September 2002
The contributed-paper sessions are two hours long and contain an average of four papers each.
The authors should choose a chairman from amongst themselves or from the audience.
Chairmen should allow 20 minutes for each paper and 10 minutes for general discussion.
Monday, 9 September
0830 - 1000 Registration Entrance Hall
1000 - 1200 Contributed Papers I
Session IA: Monetary Policy Room VII (A)
"Instruments of Monetary Policy"
Bernardino Adão, Isabel Correia, Pedro Teles
"Monetary Policy, Expectations and Commitment"
George W. Evans, Seppo Honkapohja
"IMF Arrangements, Politics and the Timing of Stabilizations"
Francisco José Veiga
"Monetary Policy Rules for Financially Vulnerable Economies"
Eduardo Morón, Diego Winkelried
Session IB: Foreign Direct Investment Room IV (Quedá)
"Economic Impact of Foreign Direct Investment in South Asia"
Pradeep Agrawal
"Foreign Direct Investment - A Critical Evaluation in Indian Economic Development
since Liberalization"
Sudeshna Biswas, Prabir Biswas
"Role of Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations - the Indian Context"
Subrata Gupta
"The Efforts of the Indian Government to Create Access for Foreign Direct Investment and the Role of FDI in Indian Economy"
U.B. Kondewar
“Intra-Firm Trade in Intermediate Inputs”
Ashok Bardhan, Dwight Jaffee
Session IC: Labour Markets Room V (Calempluy)
"Unions, International Factor Mobility and Indeterminacy"
Marta Aloi, Teresa Lloyd-Braga
"Wage Formation in Open Economies and the Role of Monetary and
Wage-Setting Institutions"
Markus Knell
"Immigration, Wage Bargaining and Unemployment Insurance"
Alexander Kemnitz
"A Story for Interpreting Europe and US Labour Markets Differences:
The Specificity of Human Capital Investments"
Etienne Wasmer
Section ID: European Union Room III (Siaca)
"Who is Leading European Integration: Economics or Politics?"
Maria Tsenzharik
"Towards a European National Economy? Lessons from the Economic History of Europe"
Nuno Valério
"The Vision of the Countries/Candidates in the European Union"
Elena Vitkiene
"Quo Vadis, Europe: A Political Union after the Single Currency?"
Rui Henrique Alves
Session IE: Inequality Room VIII (Massua)
"A Bird's-Eye View of Long-Run Changes in Income Inequality"
Andrea Brandolini
"Egalitarianism and Resource Conservation in Hunter-Gatherer Societies"
Rabindra Nath Chakraborty
"Social Sector Expenditures - A Study of Global Inequality"
Biswajit Guha
"Inherent Inequality and the Extent of Redistribution in OECD Countries"
Hannu Tanninen, Matti Tuomala
Session IF: Finance Room VI (Laman)
"An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Options and Futures Listing on the Underlying Stocks' Return Volatility: the Portuguese Case"
João Paulo Tomé Calado, Maria Teresa Medeiros Garcia, Sérgio Emanuel Tomé Mendes Pereira
"Partial Acquisitions and Dilution of Minority Shareholders' Wealth"
Patricia Charléty, Marie-Cécile Fagart, Said Souam
"The Foregone Gains of Non-Shareholders"
Monica Paiella
"The Stock Market and the Fed"
Leonardo Becchetti, Fabrizio Mattesini
1200-1330 Opening Address Room I
Large Auditorium
Robert M. Solow , Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Is Fiscal Policy Possible? Is it Desirable?"
1500-1700 Contributed Papers II
Session IIA: Political Economy Room VIII (Massua)
"The Majority Rule is the Maximally Decisive Member of the Family of Anonymous, Neutral, Pareto-Optimal and Weakly-Monotonic Aggregation Rules"
Göksel Asan, M. Remzi Sanver
“Governing Ourselves: Rules from the State and from the People”
Juan Camilo Cardenas
"On the Impact of Indifferent Voters on the Likelihood of Some Voting Paradoxes"
Vincent Merlin, Fabrice Valognes
Session IIB: Banking Room VI (Laman)
"Synergies Between Banking Activities: Evidence from a Sample of French Banks
from 1985 to 2000. Implications for the Future Shape of the European Banking System"
Samia Belaounia, Nathalie Janson
"A Non-Parametric Evaluation of Banking Efficiency in Portugal, New vs. Old Banks"
Ana Canhoto, Jean Dermine
"Prospects of Bank Mergers"
D. Hussein Mohamed Fathy Osman
"Endogenous Formation of Financial Dualism"
Rajlakshmi Mallik
“The Market for Terrorist Insurance: A Global Problem, International Solutions”
Dwight Jaffee, Thomas Russell
Session IIC: Industrial Organization Room III (Siaca)
"Quantifying the Effects from Horizontal Mergers in European Competition Policy"
Marc Ivaldi, Frank Verboven
"Corporate Debt and Output Pricing in Developing Countries.
Industry-Level Evidence from Turkey"
Turan Erol
"The Employment Implication of Divestiture: the Indian Experience"
Simrit Kaur
"Informal Groundwater Markets: The Role of Share Contracts"
Annegret Steinmetz
Session IID: Education Room V (Calempluy)
"Development and Perspectives of Higher Education in Lithuania"
Algimantas Sakalas
"Class-Size Effects in School Systems around the World: Evidence from Between-Grade Variation in TIMSS”
Ludger Wößmann, Martin R. West
"Impact of Health and Education Expenditure on Economic Growth –
A Case Study of Sixty Countries"
Basabi Bhattacharya, Jaydeep Mukherjee
"The Determinants of Child Labour and Child Schooling in Ghana"
Ranjan Ray
Session IIE: Exchange Rates Room VII (A)
"The Effect of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Foreign Direct Investment
in the United Kingdom"
Matteo Iannizzotto, Nigel J. Miller
"Conditional Correlations and Direct Central Bank Interventions in the
Foreign Exchange Markets"
Michel Beine
"Behavior of Effective Exchange Rate and Exchange Risk of the India Rupee
in Pre-and Post-Reform Periods: An Empirical Analysis"
Chitta Ranjan Dash
"Integrated Monetary and Exchange Rate Frameworks: are there Empirical Differences?"
Lúcio Vinhas de Souza
Session IIF: Growth Models Room IV (Quedá)
"Transition from a Separating to a Pooling Equilibrium in an Endogenous Growth Model"
Niloy Bose, Maria Pereira
"A Non-scale Growth Model with R&D and Human Capital Accumulation"
Maria Joan Ribeiro
"More Variety or More Growth? Human Capital and Firm Specific Knowledge in an R&D-Based Growth Model"
Holger Strulik
1730-1930 Invited Lectures Room I
Large Auditorium
Nicholas Stern, The World Bank
"Meeting the Challenge of Monterey"
Ernst Fehr, University of Zürich
"Human Nature and Social Interaction - When do Deviations from Homo Oeconomicus Matter?”
Tuesday, 10 September
0930 -1100 Invited Lectures
Session A: William Easterly, Center for Global Development Room III (Siaca)
Murray Leibbrandt, University of Cape Town
"What have we learnt about Contemporary South Africa from a small
Household Panel Study?"
Session B: Takatoshi Ito, University of Tokyo Room IV (Quedá)
David Canning, University of Belfast
1130 -1300 Invited Lecture Room I
Large Auditorium
Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission
1500-1700 Contributed Papers III
Session IIIA: Social Expenditure Room VIII (Massua)
A.D.N. Bajpai
Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Indian Economic Association
"Social Expenditure of Maharashtra State under Tribal Sub-Plan"
B.S. Mhaske
"Impact of Social Expenditure on International Differentials in the Level and Growth of Income - An Empirical Analysis Based on the Solow Model and Its Augmented Form for the Periods 1960-85 and 1980-98"
Ratan Kumar Ghosal
"Social Insurance and Redistribution"
Robin Boadway, Manuel Leite-Monteiro, Maurice Marchand, Pierre Pestieau
Session IIIB: International Finance Room V (Calempluy)
"Interest Rates and Investment in East Asia: An Empirical Evaluation of Various Financial Liberalization Hypotheses"
Pradeep Agrawal
"Global Transmission of Interest Rates: Monetary Independence and Currency Regime"
Jeffrey A. Frankel, Sergio L. Schmukler, Luis Servén
"`Large' vs. `Small' Players: A Closer Look at the Dynamics of Speculative Attacks"
Geir H. Bjønnes, Dagfinn Rime, Haakon O. Aa. Solheim
"Multi-Factor Valuation of Floating Range Notes"
João Pedro Vidal Nunes
Session IIIC: Theory Room IV (Quedá)
"Weak and Strong Heterogeneity with Adverse Selection: Optimal Allocations and Implementation"
Arnold Chassagnon, Bertrand Villeneuve
"Contracts and Inequality Aversion"
Florian Englmaier, Achim Wambach
"Endogenous Determination of Utility Functions: An Evolutionary Approach"
Alexander A. Vasin
"Local Nash Equilibrium in Multiparty Politics"
Norman Schofield, Itai Sened
Session IIID: European Union Room III (Siaca)
"Dynamic Paths of the European Economy: Some Simulations
with an EU Aggregate Model"
Alberto Bagnai, Francesco Carlucci
"European Enlargement: Modeling Framework and Simulations"
Rossella Bardazzi, Maurizio Grassini
"Proposal of a Collaborator Commitment Model to Organizations with Head Offices in Europe and Members of the European Union"
João Chang Junior
"The Legal Concept of Immovable Property and the Rights over Immovable Property in the European Union: A Comparative Study"
José Caramelo-Gomes
Session IIIE: Econometrics Room VII (A)
"An Index of Dissimilarity among Time Series: An Application to the Inflation Rates of the EU Countries"
Emma Sarno, Alberto Zazzaro
"Exports and Economic Growth in India: An Econometric Study"
Siddharth Shastri
Session IIIF: Rural Economies Room VI (Laman)
"An Essay on Definitions of Typologies for Less Favoured Rural Areas –
Two Portuguese Regions: Alto Trás-os-Montes and Douro"
Francisco José Lopes de Sousa Diniz
"Global Capital and the Rural Economy"
Manuel Belo Moreira, Chris Gerry
"Small and Marginal Farmers' Credit Need vs. Formal and
Informal Credit Institutions in Bihar"
Ashwini Kant Jha, Ragiv Kumar Sinha
"Rural Tourism in Local Economies - Proportional Income and Employment Multipliers (The Case of Douro Region)"
Francisco José Lopes de Sousa Diniz
1730-1930 Invited Lectures Room I Large Auditorium
Edmond Malinvaud, Institut National de la Statistique et des
Études Économiques (INSEE), Paris
"Structural Reforms Addressed to the Labour Market and
Macroeconomic Policies"
Jean Tirole, IDEI, Toulouse
"Psychology and Economics"
Wednesday, 11 September
930-1100 Contributed Papers IV
Session IVA: Patterns of Growth Room V (Calempluy)
"Explorations in Historical and Comparative Economics:
Education and Endogenous Growth. Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries"
Claude Diebolt, Marielle Monteils
"Portuguese Economic Growth Re-examined: An Anti-Fado Manifesto"
Miguel Lebre de Freitas
"Government Size and Economic Growth in Developing Countries:
A Panel Data Analysis"
Burak Günalp, Timur Han Gür
"Types of Government Expenditures and the Rate of GDP Growth"
Pak Hung Mo
Session IVB: Monetary Union Room III (Siaca)
"One `Monetary Giant' with Many `Fiscal Dwarfs:' The Efficiency of Macroeconomic Stabilization Policies in the European Monetary Union"
Roberto Tamborini
"The Enlargement of European Monetary Union – Challenges and Opportunities"
Boguslawa M. Barszczak Sardinha, Luísa Margarida Cagica Carvalho
"A Monetary Union of Two Countries: Applying the Rate-of-Growth Method"
Michael Carlberg
"Price Convergence under EMU: First Estimates"
Matthias Lutz
Session IVC: Poverty Room VIII (Massua)
"On the Structure of Some Measure of Deprivation"
Achin Chakraborty, Prasanta K. Pattanaik, Yongsheng Xu
"Are DAC Targets of Poverty Reduction Useful?"
Raghav Gaiha
"The Biological Standard of Living in the Two Germanies"
John Komlos, Peter Kriwy
“Aid and Poverty Alleviation in Case of Asymmetric Information –
Some Basic Lessons from Principal-Agent Theory"
Karl R. Pedersen
Session IVD: Taxation Room VII (A)
"Consumption Taxes and Redistribution"
Isabel H. Correia
"Tax Enforcement for Heterogeneous Firms"
Francisco Marhuenda, Alexander Vasin, Polina Vasina
"Coordination of Capital Taxation Among Asymmetric Countries"
Susana Peralta, Tanguy van Ypersele
"Tax Reform in the Context of Budgetary Restraints: A Note on the Portuguese Case"
Alfredo M. Pereira, Pedro G. Rodrigues
Session IVE: Business Cycles Room VI (Laman)
"Endogenous Fluctuations in Unionized Economies with Productive Externalities"
Rui Coimbra, Teresa Lloyd-Braga, Leonor Modesto
"Work Effort over the Business Cycle"
Domenico J. Marchetti, Francesco Nucci
"A New-Leading Indicator for the Portuguese Economy"
Alda Rito
"Factor Shares and Biased Technological Change: Implications for
Macroeconomic Fluctuations"
Andrew T. Young
Session IVF: Foreign Direct Investment Room IV (Quedá)
"Trade Effects of FDI in Mercosur"
Marta Castilho, Soledad Zignago
"Technology Sourcing and Strategic Foreign Direct Investment"
Kjetil Bjorvatn, Carsten Eckel
"Competing in a Brave New World: An Exploratory Study on Portuguese Born Globals”
Vítor Corado Simões, Pedro Miguel Dominguinhos
1200-1330 Invited Lectures
Session A: Gilles Saint-Paul, IDEI, Toulouse Room IV (Quedá)
Hans Gersbach, University of Heidelberg
“Structural Reforms and the Macroeconomy: The Role of
General Equilibrium Effects”.
Session B: Alan Deardorff, University of Michigan Room III (Siaca)
"The Past and Future of the European Union"
Arjan Lejour and Richard Nahuis, CPB Netherlands Bureau for
Economic Policy Analysis
“The Costs and Benefits of the EU Enlargement: An Analysis of the
Internal Market and Structural Funds”
1500-1700 Contributed Papers V
Session VA: Strategic Behavior Room VIII (Massua)
"Strategic Behavior and Marriage Payments: Theory and Evidence from Senegal"
F. Gaspart, J.-Ph. Platteau
"Strategic Choice of Financing Systems in Regulated and Interconnected Industries"
Anna Bassanini, Jérôme Pouyet
"Fuzzy Judgment in Bargaining Games: Diverse Patterns of Price Determination and Transaction in Buyer-Seller Exchange"
Ewa Roszkowska, Tom Burns
Session VB: Globalization Room VI (Laman)
"Globalization, Income Inequality and Economic Growth. Special Reference to India"
Prabir Biswas, Sudeshna Biswas
"Sustainable Globalization"
Simone Borghesi, Alessandro Vercelli
"La Turquie, Epuisée, sur le Chemin de la Mondialisation"
Ahmet Sahinöz
"The Race towards Openness: An Experimental Investigation"
Marco Rossi
Session VC: Monetary Policy Room VII (A)
"The Independency of Monetary Policy in Brazil: Empirical Evidences from 1966 to 1985"
Luiz Fernando Cerqueira
"Monetary Policy and Structural Reforms in the Economy of Post-Soviet Russia"
N.P. Shmelov
"Monetary Policy Rules and Oil Price Shocks"
Christophe Kamps, Christian Pierdzioch
"The Euro Bloc, the Dollar Bloc, and the Yen Bloc: How Much Monetary Policy Independence Can Exchange Rate Flexibility Buy in an Interdependent World?"
Marcel Fratzscher
Session VD: Labour Markets Room V (Calempluy)
"Rent Sharing as Part of Incentive Payments and Recruitment"
Hannu Piekkola, Antti Kauhanen
"Fixed Term Contracts, Social Security Rebates and Labour Demand in Italy"
Lia Pacelli
"Coalition and Labour Organization. A Production Frontier Approach"
Catherine Ris
"Industry Evolution in the Presence of an Internal Labour Market"
Pablo F. Beker
Session VE: Industrial Organization Room III (Siaca)
"Technology Transfer in a Stackelberg Structure: Licensing Contracts and Welfare"
Tarun Kabiraj
"Does Intellectual Property Protection Spur Technological Change?"
Sunil Kanwar, Robert Evenson
"Cournot Competition and Access Pricing in Regulated Industries"
Kunio Kawamata
"Sequential Entry with Asymmetric Preferences"
Tore Nilssen, Christian Riis
Session VF: Macroeconomics Room IV (Quedá)
"Effective Demand and National Income: A Microeconomics of the IS-LM Analysis"
Michihiro Ohyama
"Structural Reforms in Labour and Product Markets, and Macroeconomic Performance in the European Union"
Karl Pichelmann, Werner Roeger
"Price Stickiness and Concretionary Technology Shocks"
Domenico J. Marchetti, Francesco Nucci
"On the Speed of Convergence of Open and Closed Economies"
Delfim Gomes Neto
Thursday, 12 September
0930-1130 Contributed Papers VI
Session VIA: Theory Room VII (A)
"Space, Factors and Spillovers"
Andrea R. Lamorgese, Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano
"Learning in Decentralized Organizations"
Irene Valsecchi
"Uncertainty, Rationality and Learning: A Keynesian Perspective"
Alessandro Vercelli
Session VIB: European Union Room III (Siaca)
"The Past and Future of the European Union: The Russian Assessments and Concerns"
Ivan D. Ivanov
"The Effects of EU Business Cycles on the Economic Activity in Slovenia and Croatia"
Timotej Jagric, Sebastjan Strašek
"European Integration and the Survival of Polish Small Enterprises"
Subrata Ghatak, George Manolas, Costas Rontos, Iohanies Vavouras
"European Integration and the Functioning of Product Markets: Selected Issues"
Adriaan Dierx, Fabienne Ilzkovitz, Khalid Sekkat
Session VIC: Political Economy Room VIII (Massua)
"Electoral Business Cycles Under Output Persistence. Some Consequences for the Economic Timing of Elections"
António Caleiro
"Aspects of the Political Economy of Foreign Aid"
Rune Jansen Hagen
"About an Institutional Equilibrium and its Application to a Federal State"
Valery Makarov
"The Determinants of Vote Intentions in Portugal"
Francisco José Veiga, Linda Gonçalves Veiga
Session VID: Innovation and Productivity Room VI (Laman)
"Human Capital, External Effects and Technical Change"
Sarquis J.B. Sarquis, Jorge Saba Arbache
"Trade, Human Capital and Innovation:
The Engines of European Regional Growth in the 1990s"
Harald Badinger, Gabriele Tondl
"Productivity Spillovers in the Portuguese Case: Evidence from a
Short Time Period Panel Data"
Isabel Proença, Maria Paula Fontoura, Nuno Crespo
"Sources of Economic Growth in Cameroon's Economy"
Aloysius Ajab Amin
Session VIE: Foreign Direct Investment Room IV (Quedá)
"FDI vs. Exports under Asymmetric Information"
Fátima Barros, Leonor Modesto
"Emerging Multinationals in NAFTA and the EU: The Case of Korean Firms"
Bénédicte Coestier, Serge Perrin
"Portuguese Investment in Brazil - the Challenges of an Iberian Logic"
Cezar Guedes, Mario Gómez Olivares
"Location of Foreign Direct Investment in Regional Integration Areas"
José Pedro Pontes
Session VIF: Labour Markets Room V (Calempluy)
"On the Impact of Labour Market Matching on Regional Disparities"
Joe Tharakan, Jean-Philippe Tropeano
"Cross-Country Differences in Self-Employment Diffusion: The Role of Institutions"
Roberto Torrini
"Labour Market Pooling"
Guido de Blasio, Sabrina Di Addario
"State Dependence and Unobserved Heterogeneity in Firm-Related Training"
Wim Groot, Henriëtte Maassen van den Brink
1200-1330 Invited Lectures
Session A: Michele Boldrin, University of Minnesota Room III (Siaca)
“EU Enlargement and Economic Growth”
E.M. Graham, Institute for International Economics
"Foreign Direct Investment: Its Effects on Economic Growth, and Host-Country Policy"
Session B: Panel Discussion on the Turkish Economic Crisis Room IV (Quedá)
Ercan Uygur, Turkish Economic Association
"The Two-Tier Crises in Turkey and the Aftermath"
Ahmet Sahinöz, Turkish Economic Association
"Frustration of Real Sector by Stabilization Policies and its Social Outcomes"
Ajay Chhibber, The World Bank
1500-1700 Contributed Papers VII
Session VIIA: International Finance Room III (Siaca)
"Spreading Currency Crises: The Role of Economic Interdependence"
Wolfram Berger, Helmut Wagner
"Towards a New Early Warning System of Financial Crises"
Matthieu Bussiere, Marcel Fratzscher
"New Strategies for Currency Crises Early Warning Systems: A Balance Sheet Approach"
Christian Mulder, Roberto Perrelli, Manuel Duarte S. Rocha
Session VIIB: Welfare Economics Room VIII (Massua)
"Surplus Measure and the Social Desirability of Input Joint Ventures"
Manas Chaudhuri, Rajat Acharrya
"An Econometric Examination of Equity Judgments Elicited through Experiments"
J.A. Jungeilges, Theis Theisen
"Utility versus Income-Based Altruism. In Favor of Gary Becker"
Alexander Kritikos, Friedel Bolle
Session VIIC: Banking Room VII (A)
"The Interaction between Physical and Electronic Delivery: the Case of Banking Services"
Emilia Bonaccorsi di Patti, Giorgio Gobbi, Paolo Emilio Mistrulli
"Deposit Rate Regulation and Risk-Taking by Banks"
Philippe Grégoire, Isabelle Platten, Paul Reding
"A Dynamic General Equilibrium Model with Technological Innovations
in the Banking Sector"
Emanuel R. Leao
"EU-Wide Money and Currency Substitution"
Miguel Lebre de Freitas
Session VIID: Economic Thought Room VI (Laman)
"The Year 1922: A Watershed of Mises and Hayek"
Shigeki Tomo
"Islamic Political Economy"
Masudul Alam Choudhury
"Monetary Integration in the Roman Empire"
Juan Carlos Martinez Oliva
"On the Natural Rates of Unemployment and Interest: the Robertson Connection"
Mauro Boianovsky, John R. Presley
Session VIIE: Labour Markets Room V (Calempluy)
"Careers and Wage Growth within Large Firms"
Francisco Lima, Pedro Telhado Pereira
"Why do Workers Earn More in Better-Educated Cities? Evidence from Portugal"
João Carlos Cerejeira da Silva
"Earnings Mobility and Labour Market Segmentation in Europe and USA:
Preliminary Exploration"
Bruno Contini
"Friendly Social Relations in the Workplace and Pay"
Ottorino Chillemi
Session VIIF: Public Investment Room IV (Quedá)
"Public Investment in Transportation Infrastructures and Economic Performance
in Portugal"
Alfredo M. Pereira, Jorge M. Andraz
"Optimal Endowments of Public Investment: An Empirical Analysis for the
Spanish Regions"
Oscar Bajo-Rubio, Carmen Díaz-Roldán, M. Dolores Montávez-Garcés
"Transport Infrastructures and Regional Growth in Spain"
Pedro Cantos, Mercedes Gumbau-Albert, Joaquín Maudos
"Issues in the Economics of Infrastructure: Exploring the Frontiers"
Siddhartha Mitra, Arup Mitra
1730-1930 Invited Session
Global Development Network Room III (Siaca)
“Growth in Developing and Transitional Countries”
Djavad Salehi-Isfahani, Virginia Tech,
and Sergei Guriev, New Economic School, Moscow
“Microeconomic Determinants of Growth around the World”
Hadi Salehi Estafhani, University of Illinois, and
Micael Castanheira, ECARES, Brussels
“Political Economy of Growth; Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead”
Janet Mitchell, National Bank of Belgium, and
Stepan Jurajda, CERGEI, Prague
“Markets and Growth”
Jong-il Kim, Dongguk University, Seoul and
Charles Soludo, African Institute for Applied Economics, Nigeria
“Sources of Aggregate Growth in Developing Regions: Still More Questions than Answers?”
1730-1830 Invited Lecture Room IV (Quedá)
Victor Beker, University of Buenos Aires
"Economics as Science, a Discussion of some Methodological Issues"
1830-1930 Invited Lecture Room IV (Quedá)
Oded Stark, Hebrew University
Friday, 13 September
0930-1130 Contributed Papers VIII
Session VIIIA: Exchange Rates Room VII (A)
"Foreign Exchange Markets' Perceptions of EMU Participation by Finland, France, Italy, and Portugal"
Bernd Wilfling
"Trade Regionalization, Exchange Rate Policies and EU-US Economic Cooperation"
E. Thalassinos, T. Kiriazidis
"Exchange Rate Pass-Through into Import Prices: A Macro or Micro Phenomenon?"
José Manual Campa, Linda S. Goldberg
“Money-Based vs. Exchange-Rate-Based Stabilization: is there Space
for Political Opportunism?"
Ari Aisen
Session VIIIB: Rural Economies Room VI (Laman)
"Buying Fields and Marrying Daughters: an Empirical Analysis of Rosca Auctions in a South Indian Village"
Stefan Klonner
"Factors Influencing Adoption of Land-Saving and Machinery Technologies by Communal Farmers in KawZulu-Natal, South Africa"
John Abdu Essa, Lieb Nieuwoudt
"The Economics of Roscas and Intra-Household Resource Allocation"
Siwan Anderson, Jean-Marie Baland
"Agricultural Output and Productivity in the Former Soviet Republics"
Zvi Lerman, Yoav Kislev, Alon Kriss, David Biton
Session VIIIC: Political Economy Room IV (Quedá)
"The Structural Reforms and Economists in Japan's Government:
From the 1990s to the Present"
Aiko Ikeo
"Economical vs. Political Cycles in the Portuguese Manufacturing Sector (1953-1995)"
José Ramos Pires Manso
"Barriers to Transparency: Modernization, Growth, and the Growth of Corruption”
James Stodder, Peter Schroth
"Income Distribution and Tax Competition"
Kjetil Bjorvatn, Alexander W. Cappelen
Session VIIID: European Union Room III (Siaca)
"Looking Behind the Curtain - Effects from Modernization of
European Union Competition Policy"
Pedro Pita Barros
"The EU-India Economic Relations: An Analysis"
Raj Kumar Sen
"How Cyclical Do Cyclically - Adjusted Balances Remain? An EU Study"
Enrique Alberola, Jose M. González Minguez, Pablo Hernández de Cos,
Jose M. Marqués
Session VIIIE: Labour Markets Room V (Calempluy)
"Labour Intersectorial Substitutability: Specialization and Income Distribution"
Zenón J. Ridruejo, M. Isabel Campos, Julio López Día
"Crime and Punishment Reawakened - Insights on a Risky Business from the
Worker's Perspective"
Nuno Garoupa, Ana Paula Martins
"Measuring Gender Bias"
Diganta Mukherjee
"The Interplay Between Insurance and Assistance in Unemployment Compensation Systems"
Javier Ortega, Laurence Rioux
Session VIIIF: Market Structure Room VIII (Massua)
"Mergers in the Presence of Economies of Scope"
Duarte Brito, João Gata
"Self-employment and Labour Market Regulation"
Mário Centeno
“Productivity, Competitiveness and Enterprises in Argentina, the Convertibility Period”
Enrique Bour, Marcela Cristini, Leonardo, Gaspanni, Cynthia Moskovits
1200-1330 Invited Lectures
Session A: Foreign Direct Investment Room III (Siaca)
José de Gregorio, Bank of Chile
"The Role of Direct Foreign Investment and Natural Resources in Economic
Ashoka Mody, International Monetary Fund
“Is Foreign Direct Investment Integrating the World?”
Session B: Panel organized by the European Development Research Network: “Poverty Dynamics and Insurance”
Room IV (Quedá)
Johannes Jütting – Center for Development Research, Bonn
“Risk Management and Health Insurance – Empirical Evidence from Different Countries”
Pramila Krishnan – Cambridge University
“Risk Sharing and Public Transfers”
Jan Willem Gunning – Free University of Amsterdam
“Convergence, Shocks and Poverty: Micro Evidence on Growth under Uncertainty”
Stefan Dercon – Oxford University
“Growth and Shocks in Village Economies after Economic Reform”
1500-1700 Contributed Papers IX
Session IXA: International Trade Room V (Calempluy)
"Traders, Courts and the Home Bias Puzzle"
Alessandro Turrini, Tanguy van Ypersele
"A Note on the Balassa Index of Revealed Comparative Advantage"
Luca De Benedictis, Massimo Tamberi
"Estimation of the J-Curve in China"
Jaleel Ahmad, Jing Yang
Session IXB: European Union Room III (Siaca)
"FDI, Innovation and Catching Up: The Case of European Intermediate Countries"
Isabel Salavisa
"Demand-and Supply-Driven Externalities in OECD Countries: A Dynamic Panel Approach"
Salvador Barrios, Federico Trionfetti
"Mark-ups, Economies of Scale and the Role of Knowledge Spillovers in OECD Industries"
Nicola Brandt
"Spillover Effects of Fiscal Policy in EMU: A Misconception behind the Stability Pact"
Florence Huart
Session IXC: Foreign Direct Investment Room IV (Quedá)
"Are Foreign Firms more Technologically Intensive? UK Establishment Evidence
from the ARD"
Nigel Driffield, Karl Taylor
"A Simple Model on Foreign Direct Investment in the Developing Countries"
Siuli Jana
"The Role of Foreign Direct Investment and the Regulation of Multinational Corporations in Economic Development of the Third World with Special Reference to India"
Ajay Kumar
"Foreign Direct Investment, Externalities and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Some Empirical Explorations"
Nagesh Kumar, Jaya Prakash Pradhan
Session IXD: Policy Issues Room VII (A)
"Inflation and the Real Effects of Monetary Policy"
M. Huchet-Bourdon
"Non-Uniqueness in the First Generation Balance of Payments Crisis Models"
Partha Sen
"Distribution Costs and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics during Exchange-Rate-Based Stabilizations"
Ariel T. Burstein, João C. Neves, Sergio Rebelo
Session IXE: Theory Room VIII (Massua)
"Optimization of Depreciation Policy for Investment Stimulation"
Vadim Arkin, Alexander Slastnikov
"Public and Private Investment Under Uncertainty"
Bruno Cruz, Aude Pommeret
"Endogenous Growth in an Open Economy and the Real Exchange Rate"
Daniela Federici, Giancarlo Gandolfo
"The Consequences of an Endogenous Discounting Depending on Environmental Quality"
A. Ayong Le Kama, K. Schubert
Session IXF: Modernization Room VI (Laman)
"Urbanization and Growth"
Luisito Bertinelli, Duncan Black
"Structural Reform Process in India: Myths and Realities"
Arvind Awasthi, Roli Misra
"An Analysis of the Municipalities' Revenue Distribution in the State of São Paulo"
Carlos Antonio Luque, Vera Martins de Silva