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The EEA- ESEM Congress has started!

The 32nd Annual Congress of the European Economic Association/ 70th European Meeting of the Econometric Society (EEA-ESEM 2017) started today and brings together participants from all over the world. To know more, please visit: http://www.eea-esem-congresses.org/....

Betting on Tourism

Betting on Tourism Turismo de Portugal (Portugal’s Tourist Bureau) met with the sector’s operators to analyze the strategy to be implemented in the next decade: Tourism Strategy 2017 – 2027 (ET 27) ET 27 rests on five strategic pillars: 1. Projecting Portugal: –...

MC bets on new technologies

MC bets on new technologies February 26, 2016 Aware of the growing importance of the new technologies MC bets strongly on the development of management and  communication platforms as a means to improve the services provided to its clients particularly with regard to...