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Betting on Tourism

Jun 23, 2016

Turismo de Portugal (Portugal’s Tourist Bureau) met with the sector’s operators to analyze the strategy to be implemented in the next decade: Tourism Strategy 2017 – 2027 (ET 27)

ET 27 rests on five strategic pillars:

1. Projecting Portugal:
– Enhancement of its internationalization as a tourist destiny.
– Positioning Portugal as a priviledged location for large international congresses and corporate events.
2. Establishing contacts with associations and institutions connected to the sector
3. Enriching the territory to energize internal tourism
4. Development of the economy
5. Improvements in knowledge and education

In 2015 Portugal ranked 15th in the world among countries which hold more international congresses and conventions and the city of Lisbon ranked 9th in th top 10 ahead of Copenhagen, Prague, Amsterdam, Brussels and Hong Kong (2015 –data from International the Congress and Convention Association (ICCA)).

The tourism sector’s associations and the companies which operate in the sector such as MC await, with great expectation, the decisions of the joint work of the operators and government institutions with the full conviction that Portugal is a privileged destination for international congresses and events.