(+351) 213 565 345 (chamada para rede fixa nacional) info@mundiconvenius.pt


SPA Conference 2023 | July 2023

“Thank you so much for everything. It was a great experience and everything went well.”

Patrícia Gonçalves

SPA Conference 2023

4th SPOMMF Webinar | April 2 2022

“On behalf of the SPOMMF I would like to express our gratitude for the success of the 4th Webinar which owed very much to Mundiconvenius’ organization of the event and,in particular,  its staff members, Joana Duarte and Ana Cristina Lima. Both showed exemplary professionalism and the dedication and kindness of their support was greatly appreciated.
Again, many thanks!”

Dr. Nuno Clode

SPOMMF President

Exeltis Talks 1st Edition – Contraception Talk

In times that lead us to “think outside of the box” it is essential to have Mundiconvenius alongside with us, always capable of responding to challenges and needs, with flexibility and adaptation in the search for new solutions and in a real partnership environment. This is made possible by the capacity and availability of the Mundiconvenius team. A great well-being for the success of EXELTIS TALKS!

Acácio Marques

Marketing - Exeltis

EFI Conference | 8-11 May 2019

“On behalf of the entire EFI Executive committee I would like to cordially thank Antonio Martinho, his local organising committee and their PCO for all the work they put and the efforts they made for this major scientific EFI event.

We will definitely remember Lisbon as one of the most successful EFI annual conferences!”

Joannis Mytilineos

EFI President

SPDC 8th National Meeting | 21-22 September 2018

“On my personal behalf and that of SPDC, I would like to thank you for your commitment to our meeting. Sofia and Joana as always, are 1st class professionals. The praise for the organization came from many of those involved (national and foreign) and many of those present. Nothing has ever escaped, always impeccable. “

Dr. Teresa Bombas

SPDC President 2018

Autumn Meeting of the Portuguese Society for the Study of Neuromuscular Diseases | 22-23 September 2017

“Thank you for the work of Mundiconvenius and the dedication of its professionals.”

Dr. Luís Negrão

SPEDNM President

XXI LASPGHAN Congress and XXX SPGP Meeting | 22-24 June 2017

“I want to say again, and record in writing, the enormous pleasure I had in working with you. Even in times of greatest stress or confusion, they maintained a remarkable professionalism that I like to register. I have worked with professional support companies for many years and I know how to recognize efficiency, kindness and availability! ”

Dr. Jorge Amil Dias

LASPGHAN Congresse President 2017

XXXIV Conference on Reproduction Studies | 7-8 October 2016

“The adjective to characterize the SPMR meeting is IRREPREENSIBLE. The Mundiconvenius team was very well.”

Prof. Dr Teresa Almeida Santos

President of the Portuguese Society of Reproductive Medicine

Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine | 20-21 November 2015

“Once again, congratulations on the work of all Mundiconvenius employees, on the reliability and demonstrated competence (unsurprisingly)”

Prof. Dr Paulo Moura

SPOMMF Vice President

EBC European Brewery Convention | 24-28 May 2015

“First a big thank you to Mundiconvenius – Luisa and Mariana and the team behind. You organized the congress in a highly professional way. Alfandega was a perfect venue, the catering of high quality and the organization and infrastructure of the congress contributed to the very positive response of the majority of participants. Although the congress would have deserved some more attendees, it was my personal perception that with the combination of venue, city of Porto, quality of the program and the social events, we outperformed our last congress in 2013… Being the EBC President, I was very proud to be part of this team, who set up such a great event.“

Prof. Dr Stefan Lustig

The Brewers of Europe - President

Jacobs Meeting | May 2023

“It was a great pleasure working with you and meeting you in person.”

Gelgia Fetz

Jacobs Foundation

EMIGO XII Meeting | 28-29 January 2022

“It couldn’t have been better. The feedback was great.
I can only thank Luísa and her team, who were relentless. Thank you”

Dr.ª Marta Sales Moreira


XII Congress APNUG 2020 | 7 – 8 February 2020

“On behalf of myself and APNUG, I would like to thank Mundiconvenius for yet another event organization that honored and satisfied us a lot.”

Dr Paulo Temido

APNUG President

XXXII SPGP Meeting | 21-22 March 2019

“On my behalf and that of SPGP, I thank Mundiconvenius for the success and organization of this meeting.”

Prof. Henedina Antunes

SPGP President

AAL Forum | 2-4 October 2017

“As I had the opportunity to tell personally, Luisa and her team were a value that crossed our path in good time. Our team, although hardworking and very competent, has no experience in these matters. This weakness was attenuated by the good harmony between teams, which was naturally only possible thanks to your professional and human value (two qualities that are not always together). The positive evaluation that we have received from relevant people, has a strong contribution from you. “

Dr. António Lindo da Cunha

AAL Forum Coordinator 2017 - Instituto Pedro Nunes

15th Annual ESPAnet Conference | 14-16 September 2017

“Mariana, thank you for your e-mail and for the words of thanks and appreciation for the work developed. It is with great pleasure that I reiterate my thanks to your personal work and that of your entire team, who throughout this time have worked professional and enthusiastic in organizing the conference. We wanted to show a modern and dynamic country. We did it. It was a success. Thank you. “

Prof. Dr. Romana Xerez

ESPAnet Organization Committee 2017

International Practice Group Conference (IPG) | 4-6 May 2017

“I take the opportunity to thank you for your efforts to make sure everything went well at the IPG conference.”

Dr. Pedro Bastos

IPG Conference Organization 2017 - Oliveira Rego e Associados, SROC

40th ISBS World Congress – International Society for Biophysics and Imaging of the skin | 31-03 Junho 2016

“… organisation, scientific and social programme were really excellent. The ISBS Board therefore particularly thanks the local organising committee and the company Mundiconvenius for having organised this excellent Congress – OBRIGADO!”

Prof. Doutor Stephan El Gammal

ISBS Treausurer

Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Prenatal Diagnosis | 23-24 October 2015

“As President of APDPN, I would like to show my appreciation for the way in which the entire congress and the organization behind it went. Professionalism, efficiency and friendliness made everything simpler and guaranteed the success of this congress. In the same way, our treasurer has always felt support at all stages of the process with a quick and efficient response. We look forward to working with Mundiconvenius on future events. “

Prof. Dr Alexandra Matias

APDPN President

The Welfare state in Portugal in the age of austerity | 09-10  May 2014

“I want to express my deep appreciation for your work.”

Prof. Dr José Pereirinha

ISEG Vice-President

Mission Artemis | May 2023

“The Mission ended today and I just wanted to share with you that we received huge praise for the organization from the participants. The mission was a success, and it wouldn’t have been possible without you!
Thank you again for everything!”

Dr. Pedro Rosário


SPDC 10th National Meeting | 24-25 September 2021

“Joana and Luisa
On behalf of the organization I hereby thank you for all the collaboration you have given in holding this meeting.
As usual your professionalism was exemplary.”

Dr.ª Teresa Bombas

Secretary of SPDC

XIII Luso Brazilian Finance Meeting | 07-09 June 2019

“Everything went well, the communication was clear and timely, your team was always available and attentive. Thank you for your help in making the event a success. “

Prof. José Miguel Gaspar

Organization LUBRAFIN 2019

4th International Porto Congress of Multiple Sclerosis | 9-11 Março 2017

“Thank you very much!
and please thank again Joana Romão and her very efficient colleagues for a perfect organization and Maria-José Sa for this wonderful Congress which I not only enjoyed very much (which I did) but could also learn a great deal. All best wishes and hopefully on an other occasion!”

Prof. Dr. med. Jürg Kesselring

Head of the Department of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation

Portuguese Society of Contraception’s 7th National Meeting | 22-23 September 2017

“As I had the opportunity to personally say working with you is always easy. Your professionalism is exemplary. The young women Joana and Sofia are fantastic. It is with great pleasure that we make this journey with you and your success must also be shared with you as they are part of our project. “

Dr. Teresa Bombas

SPDC President

XXI LASPGHAN Congress and XXX SPGP Meeting | 22-24 June 2017

“I take this opportunity to return the words of Luísa Ahrens Teixeira and thank the opportunity to share and learn from her professionalism, it was a rewarding experience.”

Diana e Silva

LASPGHAN Organization 2017

ECsafeSEAFOOD Conference | 25-26 January 2017

“It was a success thanks to Mundiconvenius and the professionalism of the excellent team. 5 stars for Mafalda and Joana Florindo.”

Dr. António Marques

Project Coordinator ECsafeSEAFOOD | Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA)

7th ISN Conference – Regional Meeting of International Society for Neurochemistry | 1-4 June 2016

“… The collaboration with Mundiconvenius contributed decisively to the great success of the event. The enormous experience and professionalism of the staff allowed us to go through with enormous serenity and rigor each step of preparing the event. (…) We strongly recommend the services of Mundiconvenius and we will not hesitate to use the company’s services on future occasions. “

Prof. Doutor Carlos B. Duarte

President of the Organization Committee

IX National Congress of Senology| 9-11 October 2015

It was an extremely well organized congress, and I enjoyed my stay in Cascais very much.

A beautiful place.”

Prof. Doutor Med. Per Skaane

Oslo University Hospital Ullevaal






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