(+351) 213 565 345 (chamada para rede fixa nacional) info@mundiconvenius.pt

about us


MC began operations in 1995 and to date has organized hundreds of national and international events in Portugal among which the following are highlights:

                        1996  |  5th EADV Congress, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology | 5.000 participants

                        2004  |  XLI ERA EDTA Congress, European Renal Association | 5.200 participants

                        2011  |  20th EADV Congress, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology | 9.000 participants

                        2015  |  ESHRE Meeting, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology | 10.088 participants

Mundiconvenius has established a large and varied base of loyal clients  and has won the reputation of a truly professional events management provider.

With its experienced and dedicated team of professionals, Mundiconvenius is widely regarded as a competent and loyal advisor.

Our clients trust in on our knowledge and experience and frequently seek our advice.



In 2011 and 2012, at the Events Gala,  MC was presented with the “Melhor Evento – Prémio Congresso” award respectively by the  26th EGOS Colloquium – European Group for Organizational Studies and the 20th EADV Congress.

Why Mundiconvenius

  1.  Long and successful experience of events organization and management in Portugal and the islands of Madeira and Azores
  2.  Fully dedicated team of experienced professionals
  3.  Wide range of solutions
  4.  In-house Marketing & Communications Department offering creative solutions
  5.  Focused on innovation – continuous adoption of new technologies, tools and solutions
  6. Flexibility –  respect for clients’ needs and culture
  7. Cost-effective solutions
  8. Expertise in administration and finance – Financial Feasibility Studies / Budget Design / VAT
  9. Assessment and Management / Risk Assessment
  10. Consultancy services – Bid Design, Bid-Management & Delivery, Bid Presentations
  11. Deep understanding of global CME / CPD & Industry Compliance and EFPIA code of practice
  12. Environmental – we seek to present solutions for reducing paper by using ePosters and each event’s APP.
  13. Corporate social responsibility – we give support to Casa do Gil (delivery of used toners) and to the  Banco Alimentar (delivery of                      used paper).

Strict adherance to achieving objectives!








© 2019 mundiconvenius