Airton Kunz, Concórdia - Brasil
Barbara Amon, Wien, Austria
Björn Vinnerås, Uppsala - Sweden
Cláudia M.d.S. Cordovil, Lisboa - Portugal
Colin Burton, Rennes, France
Elizabeth d'Almeida Duarte, Lisboa, Portugal
Fiona Nicholson, Mansfield - UK
Giorgio Provolo, Milano - Italy
Harald Menzi, Zollikoffen- Switzerland
Ina Koerner, Hamburg - Germany
Jan Venglovsky, Kosice - Slovak Republic
Jim Webb, Didcot, UK
Joachim Clemens, Bonn, Germany
José Martinez, Rennes - France
Ken Smith, Wolverhampton, UK
Luis Ferreira, Lisboa - Portugal
Matias Vannoti , Florence- EUA
Paolo Balsari, Torino - Italy
Pierre Gerber , FAO - Italy
Pilar Bernal, Murcia - Spain
Sven Sommer, Horsens - Denmark
Thomas Kupper,Zollikofen, Switzerland
Thomas Misselbrook, North Wyke – UK
Topics for Scientific Program
1- Efficient use of water and slurry management in livestock production systems
2- Management of livestock diet to minimize environmental impact of manure and slurries
3- Production technologies towards sustainability of livestock units
4- Treatment and use of non conventional organic residues in agriculture
5- Environmental, nutrient losses, impact of storage and spreading operations
6- Innovation and technology transfer
7- Pre-processing of manure and organic waste for energy production
8- Technologies/systems for different manure and organic waste treatment options
9- Use of manures and organic wastes to improve soil quality and nutrient balances
10- Integrated manure and organic wastes management at the farm level
11- Economical determinants and strategies for integrated sustainability across Europe
12- Manure and organic residues management approaches in non-European countries
13 – Environmental and sanitary safety aspects of manure and organic residues
14- Use of manures and organic residues for the recovery of degraded and
contaminated soils