Sunday, September 12
Cocktail and pre-registration
Hour and place to be defined
Monday, September 13
08:30 - Registration at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Welcome ceremony and Introductions
Chair: to be announced
09:30 - Welcome address
Chairperson of the organizing committee
09:35 - Welcome address
Network Coordinators
09:40 - President of ISA
09:50 - Official representative
10:00 - Plenary session general subject of the Conference
10:30 - Session 1 subjects 1, 2 and 3 of the program
“Efficient use of water and slurry management in livestock production systems”, “Management of livestock diet to minimise environmental impact of manure and slurries” and “Production technologies towards sustainability of livestock units”
11:00 - Coffee break and posters
11:30 - Oral communications from the subjects 1, 2 and 3 of the program
12.45 - Discussion and announcements
13:00 - Lunch
14:30 - Session 2 subject 7 of the program
“Pre-processing of manure and organic waste for energy production”
15:00 - Oral communications from the subject 7 of the program
15:30 - Poster session incl. Refreshments
Split poster presentations in 3 groups
Session 3 subjects 7 and 8 of the program
“Pre-processing of manure and organic waste for energy production” and “Technologies/systems for different manure and organic waste treatment options”
17:00 - Oral communications from the subjects 7and 8 of the program
18:00 - End
Monday, September 13
Session 4 subject 5 of the program
14:30 - Oral communications from the subject 5 of the
“Environmental, nutrient losses, impact of storage and spreading operations”
15:30 - Poster session incl. Refreshments
Split poster presentations in 3 groups
17:00 - Working groups meeting
18:00 - End
Tuesday, September 14
09:00 - Session 5 subjects 7 and 8 of the
“Pre-processing of manure and organic waste for energy production” and “Technologies/systems for different manure and organic waste treatment options”
09:30 - Oral communications from the subjects 7and 8 of the program
10:30 - Coffee break and posters
Split poster presentations in 3 groups
12:00 Session 6 subject 5 of the
Oral communications from the subject 5 of the program
“Environmental, nutrient losses, impact of storage and spreading operations”
12:45 - Discussion
13:00 - Lunch
14:30 - Session 7 Keynote subject 13 of the
“Environmental and sanitary safety aspects of manure and organic residues utilization”
15:00 - Oral communications from the subject 13 of the program
16:00 - Poster session incl. Refreshments
Split poster presentations in 2 groups
17:00 - Oral communications from the subject 13 of the program
18:00 - End (dinner)
Tuesday, September 14
09:00 - Session 8 subject 6 of the program
“Innovation and technology transfer”
09:30 - Oral communications from the subject 6 of the program
10:30 - Coffee break and posters
12:00 - Oral communications from the subject 6 of the program
12:45 - Discussion
13:00 - Lunch
14:30 - Session 9 Keynote subjects 9 and 14 of the program
“Use of manures and organic wastes to improve soil quality and nutrient balances” and“Use of manures and organic residues for the recovery of degraded and contaminated soils”
15:00 - Oral communications from the subjects 9 and 14 of the program
16:00 - Poster session incl. Refreshments
17:00 - Oral communications from the subjects 9 and 14 of the program
18:00 - End (dinner)
Wednesday, September 15
Session 10 subjects 10 and 11 of the
“Integrated manure and organic wastes management at the farm level” and“Economical determinants and strategies for integrated sustainability across Europe”
09:30 - Oral communications from the subjects 10 and 11 of the program
11:00 - Coffee break and posters
11:30 - Presentation of working groups
12:00 - Plenary discussion and closing
12:45 - Lunch and technical visit
Wednesday, September 15
Session 10 subject 12 of the
“Manure and organic residues management approaches in non-European countries”
09:30 - Oral communications from the subject 12 of the program
11:00 - Coffee break and posters