Secretariat New Address: 
Avenida 5 de Outubro, 53 – 2
1050 – 048 Lisboa Portugal
Tel.: ++ 351 21 315 51 35
Fax: ++ 351 21 355 80 02



Conference Programme


November 1  - 2005
Centro Cultural de Belém

Secretariat Opening - 09h00
Closing - 16h00

09h00-09h30 Participants Registrations

09h30-11h00 Opening Session Presided by:
His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic Dr. Jorge Sampaio

Chairman: Prof. Luís Mendes Victor

Sálvano Briceño
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction,

Executive Committee: Prof. Carlos Sousa Oliveira

11h00-11h30 Coffee Break

11h30-12h30 Special Lecture

Prof. Agustín Udías1, Alfonso López Arroyo2 
1Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain, 2Ofiteco, Madrid, Spain

The Lisbon Earthquake of 1755 in Spanish Contemporary Authors

12h30-14h30 Lunch

14h30-18h30 Invited Lectures

14h30-15h30 Prof. Maria do Rosário Themudo Barata - University of Lisbon, Portugal
The Lisbon Earthquake of 1 November 1755 - a historical perspectives

15h30-16h00 Prof. David Brillinger - University of California, USA
A Personal View of Bruce Bolt's Career in Seismology, Earthquake Engineering
and Public Service

16h00-16h30 Coffee Break

16h30-17h30 Prof. Karl Fuchs - University of Karlsruhe, Germany
The Great Lisbon Earthquake of 1755and Aceh 2004 Shook the World -
Seismologist’s Societal Responsibility

17h30-18h30 Prof. T. P. Tassios - Nat. Tech. University Athens, Greece
Seismic Engineering: Contribution and Trends to face future 1755 - events

Next day >