Secretariat New Address: 
Avenida 5 de Outubro, 53 – 2
1050 – 048 Lisboa Portugal
Tel.: ++ 351 21 315 51 35
Fax: ++ 351 21 355 80 02



Conference Theme

The 1755 earthquake was influential not only in Portugal but in all European and North African countries, where its devastating effects were felt. The entire world was deeply impressed and the discussion of its causes generated a large amount of scientific and metaphysical speculation. It inspired philosophers, poets and writers.

The socio-economic consequences of the event were great and affected the future organization and development of Portugal. The eventuality of a similar occurrence urges society and the scientific community to reflect on its lessons.

250 years after the 1755 earthquake, the opportunity to put together scientists, engineers, historians, philosophers, urban planners, architects, economists, policy makers, can foster an integrated view on our global perception of natural disasters and how must Society deal with them.