Organizing Committee would like to express deep condolences for
the passing of Prof. Bruce Bolt, a special lecturer in our opening
to Prof. Bruce
Bolt - Click
250 years after the 1755 earthquake, the opportunity to put together scientists, engineers, historians, philosophers, urban planners, architects, economists, policy makers, can foster an integrated view on our global perception of natural disasters and how must Society deal with them.
Poster Session - Special Information
1. The poster sessions have been changed to take place at the day of the
respective topic (lunch time)
2.The posters should ideally adapt to the following measurements :
90 width x 120 height
3. Posters may be placed any day of the Conference from 09.00 to 17.00.
4. Kindly note the new number of the poster on the conference website. This
number will be use during poster's presentation. However, kindly remember that poster sessions will take place at Reitoria, which will be the venue of the conference from the 2nd to the 4th of November.
The cost of registration includes
The scientific program, the Proceedings of the Conference,
the Welcome Reception and the Concert , 4 (four) working lunches, coffee breaks and the Gala Dinner.
Paper submissions are no longer available