8th International Association Adolescent Health
(IAAH) World Congress

May 11th – 14th 2005
Centro Cultural de Belem, Lisbon, Portugal
“Positive Youth Development”

Honour Committee

Presided by Her Excellency Mrs. Maria José Ritta
The First Lady of



Welcome Letter I Honour Committee I Organising Committee I Scientific Committee  
Scientific Program I Social Program I Congress Information I Poster Sessions
Registrations I
Hotels I Tours I Travelling with TAP
Useful InformationLisbon I IAAH Website I Sponsors I Homepage

Rua do Embaixador, 13 - 2 1300-215 LISBOA - PORTUGAL
Tel: +351 21 364 94 98 Fax: + 351 21 364 95 23
Email: info@mundiconvenius.pt