This Preliminary Program is an “invitation to travel” addressed to you by the Organising Committee of the 1st International Congress of the Portuguese Association of Physiotherapists - Manual Therapy Special Interest Group.
We invite you to accompany us on a journey through the world of physiotherapy, a journey whose itinerary has been drafted by some of the world experts on this field. The program of the congress covers all aspects of physiotherapy and related disorders, especially focusing on
• Pain Management and Control • Movement Dysfunction • Occupational Health and Ergonomics • Patient Education • SI Dysfunction • Nerve Dysfunctions
The topics will be explored during both the plenary sessions, led by key note speakers and the interactive sessions. Oral and poster presentations will allow everyone, wishing to do so, to contribute to the event.
Pre and Post Congress Courses, chaired by international opinion leaders will take place before and after the event, aiming to give the participants an exposure to the daily practice and experience.
This journey through the world of physiotherapy will take place in the beautiful village of Estoril and it will be equally a journey into the Portuguese culture as participants may easily reach Lisbon and the most interesting places in the south of Portugal.
The Organising Committee is committed to prepare an interesting social program and also some leisure programs for the participants wishing to spend some extra days in Portugal.
We look forward to welcoming you in Portugal.
Isabel Sousa Guerra
President of APF
Isabel Oliveira Machado
President of the Organising Committee
João Filipe Vasconcelos Abreu
Pres. Scientific Committee