Touch Our Minds
International Congress of Portuguese Association of Physiotherapists - Manual Therapy Special Interest Group - 18 - 20 October 2002 - Estoril - Portugal


Pre Congress Courses: 16 - 17 October

1. Evidence Based Practice

Instructors Ann Moore and Nicola Petty 

Venue “Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão” 

16 and 17 October

Timetable 09.00 – 16.30 hrs

Number of hours 15 

Max.number of attendants 30 

Registration fees 
Members of the Portuguese Physiotherapists’ Association 
participating at the Congress € 175
Non-members participating at the Congress € 200
Members of the Portuguese Physiotherapists’ Association € 200
Non-members € 250 

Note: registrations will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis

Course Programme 
1st day
09.30 – Introduction
09.45 – EBP – group discussion
10.45 – Coffee break
11.15 – Group presentations
11.30 – Introduction to EBP
12.30 – Lunch
14.00 – Introduction to investigation process
15.00 – Coffee break
15.15 – How much reliable and valid is EBP
16.30 – Closing
2nd day
09.30 – How to find the Evidence
10.30 – How to implement the EBP
11.30 – Coffee break
12.00 – Group work
13.00 – Lunch 
14.30 – Group work (cont.) 
15.30 – Coffee Break
16.00 – Action Plan for the development of EBP
17.00 – Closing 

2. Movement Dysfunction Focus on Dynamic Stability and Muscle Balance (Fully Booked)

Instructor Mark Comerford

Venue Escola “Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão” 

16 and 17 October

Timetable 09.00 – 16.30 hrs

Number of hours 15 

Max.number of attendants 30 

Registration fees 
Members of the Portuguese Physiotherapists’ Association 
participating at the Congress € 175
Non-members participating at the Congress € 200
Members of the Portuguese Physiotherapists’ Association € 200
Non-members € 250 

Note: registrations will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis

Course Programme 

09.30 - Dynamic Stability and Muscle Balance: Basic Concepts

10.45 - Coffee

11.15 - Movement System: 
Physiological Considerations;
Anatomical and Biomechanical 
Considerations; Functional 

12.30 - Lunch 
14.00 - Stability dysfunction: Functional or Dynamic Stability; Articular Translational Dysfunction;

15.00 - Coffee

15.15 - Myo-fascial Dysfunction. Dynamic Stability Dysfunction.

16.30 - Closing


09.30 - Principles and practice of dynamic movement assessment and correction.

Principles and Priorities of Treatment.

Principle I: Control the Neutral Joint Position: [ Practical ] Setting Neutral. 

10.45 - Coffee 

11.15 - Principle II: Retrain Dynamic Control 
of the Direction of Strain: ( Practical ) Assess the Direction of the Loss of Dynamic Control and Retrain Stability Mechanisms 

Principle III: Rehabilitate the Global 
Stability System Control throughout Range: [ Practical ] Assess and Rehabilitate the Stability Role of the Global Stabilisers 

12.30 - Lunch 

14.00 - Principle IV: Regain Extensibility and 
Inhibit the Short or Over-active Global Mobility Muscles: (Practical) Assess the Length and Inhibit Over-activity 
via Appropriate Techniques.

15.00 - Coffee

15.15 - Clinical Decision making and 
integration: Rehabilitation Strategies. 
Functional Integration and Postural 
Maintenance Programme. Prevention.

16.30 - Closing


Post Congress Course:  21-22 October 2002

Musculoskeletal Dysfunction in Occupational Health (Cancelled)

Instructor Jeffrey D Boyling

Venue Escola “Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão” 

Timetable 09.00 – 17.00 hrs

Number of hours 15 

Max.number of attendants 20 

Registration fees 
Members of the Portuguese Physiotherapists’ Association 
participating at the Congress € 175
Non-members participating at the Congress € 200
Members of the Portuguese Physiotherapists’ Association € 200
Non-members € 250 

Note: Registrations will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis 


Monday 21st October 2002


Registration and Introduction

·         Course aims and objectives

·         Presenter

·         Delegates



Upper Limb Disorders

·         Definition

·         Facts and figures

Health and Safety

·         Legislation

·         Principles of risk management

·         Risk assessment and risk reduction


·         Definition of ergonomics

·         Why bother with ergonomics

·         Application e.g. anthropometry

·         Tools





Office Workstation Assessment 1

·         Equipment

·         Chairs

·         Desks

·         Screens

·         Input devices





Office Workstation Assessment 2

·         The office environment

·         Lighting

·         Noise

·         Temperature / humidity

·         Space

·         Radiation

·         The user computer interface

·         Bits and bytes



More refreshments


Office Workstation Assessment 3

·         Pulling it all together

·         Reporting the results



End of day 1 review and close


Tuesday 22nd October 2002




·         Course aims and objectives Day 2

·         Any questions from Day 1


Factory Workstation Assessment 1

·         Principles

·         Equipment





Factory Workstation Assessment 2

·         The environment

·         Work organisation





Clinical management:

·         Conditions

·         Subjective examination



More refreshments


Clinical management 2

·         Objective examinations

·         Treatment



End of course review and close


Invitation to Come - Committees - Conference Details - Final Scientific Program 
Scientific Programme - Courses - General Info - How to Register - Air Travelling  
Out and About - Registration Form