Touch Our Minds
International Congress of Portuguese Association of Physiotherapists - Manual Therapy Special Interest Group - 18 - 20 October 2002 - Estoril - Portugal


Coffee breaks

During session breaks, coffee will be served free of charge to all participants wearing name badges.


Participation in the Congress implies that persons/participants agree that the organizers do not assume any liability whatsoever. Upon registration, the participant accepts this proviso.

Official language

English. Simultaneous translation Portuguese-English-Portuguese will be available.

Official invitation letters

Official letters of invitation designed to help overcome administrative difficulties in certain countries will be sent on request. It must be understood that such letters cannot grant any financial support. Requests should be made by fax and should include the participant’s full mailing address and fax number.


Available at the Congress Centre. Parking fees to be informed at a later stage.

Pre / post congress tours 

Please contact the Secretariat .

Social / cultural program

Welcome cocktail and closing dinner .

Technical exhibition

Technical Exhibition will be held at the Venue. Companies are invited to participate at the exhibition and may contact the Organising Secretariat.

Tour for accompanying persons 

A tour to Lisbon is included at the registration fee for the accompanying persons.

Working Lunches

Light working lunches (2) will be served at the Venue of the Congress (hours to be indicated).

Invitation to Come - Committees - Conference Details - Final Scientific Program 
Scientific Programme - Courses - General Info - How to Register - Air Travelling  
Out and About - Registration Form