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7th National Meeting of SPDC went north

Nov 10, 2017

This year the Portuguese Society of Contraception (SPDC) went North and held its 7th National Meeting at the Exponor Center of Congresses​ on the 22nd and 23rd of September with the presence of 270 professionals in the field.

​The meeting included 54 posters and the delivery of 15 free presentations​.

​The scientific program which addressed themes such as “Myths and Facts in Hormonal Contraception”, The new WHO action plan for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Europe” and ” How to address the complications of some contraceptives”, among others, was critical to the success of the meeting.

​To see the best moments and obtain more information on the meeting, go to: http://www.reuniaospdc.com 

Fotos: © Paulo Duarte