Organization of the World Conference on Artistic Education – UNESCO MC organizes the 11th International Metropolis Conference (Migration Policies) with 1.030 participants
MC is actively involved in the formation of the associations; APOPC (Portuguese Association of Professional Congress Organisers) and EFAPCO (European Federation of the Associations of Professional Congress Organisers) MC organizes the XLI Congress ERA-DTA (European Renal Association) with 5.200 participants
MC expands its scope to the organization of congresses in the areas of children care (“Hands On! Europe”), maritime transportation (BIMCO General Meeting) and environment (“Congresso Ibero-Americano de Ar Condicionado e Refrigeração”)
Mundiconvenius starts activity as PCO (Professional Congress Organizer) Organization of the 1º Congress of French-speaking Dermatologists (600 participants) Organization of the Second Congress of ‘Hospitais Civis de Lisboa’ (1.300 participants)