English will be the official language of the Congress. There will be no simultaneous translation.
Α compilation of all abstracts will be available. Full papers are not required prior to the Congress, only for presentation during the Congress.
(However, if authors want to send their paper before the conference, it can be uploaded on the web site as long as they are submitted before July 1, 2012)
the preliminary programme will be posted on the website by March 30th.
The authors will have max 20 minutes for presentation. Presenting authors will receive all technical information and details prior to the Congress and sessions' organizers might give more specific indications on presentations for their session. A time will be allocated at the end of each session for questions and answers.
We encourage presenters who face difficulties in communicating in English to have a more detailed power point presentation in English, highlighting the key points of their presentation more effectively.
Computer projection facilities (for PowerPoint presentations) will be available in the meeting rooms.
Registration Note:
At least one author (the presenting author) must register for the Congress by May 15, 2012. If none of the authors of a paper will have registered by this date, the abstract will be withdrawn from the programme.
Abstracts selected for posters will be presented as Posters during the Congress in a designed Poster Area. Poster presenters are required to bring their posters to the Hall where they will be posted. Days and locations of the poster sessions will be listed in the conference program.
Instruction for Poster Preparation
•The dimensions of the poster should not exceed 90 cm (2'11") wide x 120 cm (3'11") high
•Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract. The text, illustrations, etc should be bold enough to be read from a distance of 180 cm (6 feet)
•Double sided tape and technical equipment will be available for the mounting of posters. Staff will also be available to assist you
•Please refer to the Final Program book that you will receive upon arrival at the Conference for the poster board number assigned to you. Please use the board with the same number
Registration Note:
At least one author of the poster must register for the Congress by May 15, 2012. If none of the authors of a paper will have registered by this date, the abstract will be withdrawn from the programme.
All meeting rooms (classrooms) are equipped for PowerPoint projection only. Please migrate your presentation to the computer of your session room before the beginning of your session. If presenters need speakers for their Power Point presentation please send an email by July 1st.