The XIII World Congress of Rural Sociology will be held at two different venues.
University of Lisbon - Aula Magna
Plenary Conferences in the first day will be at the Reitoria of the University of Lisbon, namely in its Aula Magna located at the University Campus.
The Main Auditorium of the Lisbon University which is part of the university’s rectory in the University City, is a noble piece of architecture offering outstanding acoustics. It was designed by the architect and painter, Daciano da Costa and was inaugurated in 1961.
This auditorium was especially designed for oratory, namely for academic acts and ceremonies and has been used for a variety of events playing an important role in scientific, academic and cultural events which testifys to its great versatility.
Superior Institute of Social and Political Sciences
Ordinary Sessions and Symposia will take place at the Superior Institute of Social and Political Sciences at the Campus da Ajuda in