New Address:
Avenida 5 de Outubro, 53 – 2
1050 – 048 Lisboa Portugal
Tel.: ++ 351 21 315 51 35
Fax: ++ 351 21 355 80 02
November 4 - 2005
Opening of Secretariat
09h00-12h30 TOPIC 5 “New approaches to the seismogenesis on the 1755 earthquake”
Prof. António Ribeiro - Faculdade de Ciências, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. Elisa Buforn - Universidade Complutense de Madrid, Spain
09h00-09h05 Opening Presentation - Prof. António Ribeiro
09h05-09h25 Special Lecture
Seiesmotectonics of the Azores Tunissia region
Prof. Elisa Buforn - Universidade Complutense de Madrid, Spain
09h25-09h45 Invited Lecture
New approaches to the seismogenesis of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake
N. Zitellini - ISMAR, Institute Science Marine, Italy
Oral Presentations
09h45 -10h00 Primary Historical Documentation of the Arrival of the 1755 Lisbon Tsunami
on the Eastern Coast of North America and in the Caribbean Islands
A. Ruffman
10h00-10h15 Whodunnit in 1755? New clues from Sumatra, from the seafloor off SW
Iberia and from GPS
M. A. Gutscher
10h15-10h30 Evaluation of the 1755 Earthquake Source using Tsunami Modeling
M. A. Baptista, J. Miranda
10h30-11h00 Coffee Break
11h00-11h15 Reports of hydrological anomalies in two Tagus River tributaries after the
1755 Lisbon earthquake - an interpretation based on a local triggered rupture
J. F. B. D. Fonseca
11h15-11h30 Active tectonic structures in the Lower Tagus Valley: state of the art
J. Cabral, P. Ribeiro, P. Figueiredo, A. Martins, N. Pimentel, C. Moniz,
J. Carvalho, F. Carrilho, R. Dias, L. M. Matias, P. Terrinha, L. Torres,
L. Senos
11h30-11h45 The source of the 1755 Lisbon great earthquake based on the modeling of
effects: damage and tsunami
M. J. Jiménez, F. Vaccari, M. García-Fernández, T. Pinat, F. Romanelli,
G. F. Panza, J. M. Martinez Solares
11h45-12h00 A Finite - Fault Modeling of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake Sources
A. Carvalho, A. Campos Costa, C. Sousa Oliveira
12h15-14h00 Lunch - Poster Sessions (Topic 5 and 6)
14h00-17h30 TOPIC 6 “Global response to large earthquakes”
Eng. Alfredo Campos Costa - LNEC, Portugal
Prof. Robin Spence - Presidente da Associação Europeia de Engenharia Sísmica,
Cambridge University, Inglaterra
14h00-14h05 Opening Presentation - Eng. Alfredo Campos Costa
14h05-14h25 Special Lecture
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: field reconnaissance and eyewitness reports
(Special Lecture)
Prof. Robin Spence1, Antonios Pomonis2
1Cambridge University, UK, 2Risk Management Solutions Inc. USA
Oral Presentations
14h25-14h40 Risk of Aftershocks Accompanied by Large Earthquakes
Hidemi Ito
14h40-14h55 Building a Sustainable Earthquake Insurance Market: Requirements for an
Earthquake Model for Portugal
W. Dong, B. F. Owens
14h55-15h10 Seismic Vulnerability assessment of Senigallia (AN, Italy), following the
earthquake of 1930
Elena Speranza, Mauro Dolce
15h10-15h25 Post-tsunami Urban Damage Assessment in Thailand, Using Optical Satellite
Imagery and the VIEWS® Field Reconnaissance System
B. Adams, S. Ghosh, C. Huyck, R. Eguchi, C. Wabnitz, J. Alder
15h25-16h00 Coffee Break
16h00-16h15 The next 1755 - Myth and reality; Liability and priorities for action
J. Azevedo
16h15-16h30 Lessons learnt and actions implements after the 2002 Molise-Puglia Earthquake
A. Goretti, G. Dipasquale
16h30-16h45 City of Bucharest. Buildings vulnerability and seismic risk reduchanactions
D. Lungu, C. Arion, R. Vacareanu
16h45-17h00 Extremum Syhstem for Earthquake Risk and Loss Assessment
N. Frolova, V. Larionov
17h00-17h15 Response to Nabire Earthquake in Indonesia: Damage Assessment and safety
Herman Parung
17h00-18h00 Closing Ceremony