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Porto has just been voted “Best European Destination 2017” in a competition with cities such as Paris, Amsterdam, London or Barcelona. The Portuguese city collected more than 135 thousand votes.

Numbers reveal that an election has never been so consensual. In total, the city of Porto gathered votes from users in 174 countries, highlighting the preference of visitors from the United States of America, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa, among others. Also to be noted is that 56 percent of the votes come from the 173 other countries that participated in the competition, which shows the international unanimity in choosing Porto. 44 percent of the votes were won nationwide.

According to Rui Moreira, Mayor of Porto and President the Association of Tourism of Porto and North of Portugal, the association responsible for the external promotion of the city, including in the MI segment, this victory “should be seen as an opportunity for tourism promotion, which will benefit Porto and will stimulate, even more, the attention and curiosity for the city”.

“Best European Destination” is awarded via online voting on the website of the European Best Destination, an organisation dedicated to European tourism promotion, based in Brussels, pre-screening the cities for the competition.

Credits: International Meetings Review
