Program Day 1
Meeting of the
Paediatrics & Child Health Section
Friday - Monday 27 - 30 May 2005
FRIDAY 27 MAY 2005
8.30 am Registration
9.00 am TB: Return of an old disease
Dr Delane Shingadia, Senior Lecturer in Paediatric
Infectious Diseases, Barts and The London Medical and
Dental School, University of London, UK
9.20 am Discussion: Portuguese perspective
Dr Graça Rocha, Consultant Infectious Diseases H.Pediátrico
– Coimbra
9.30 am Open discussion
9.40 am HIV/AIDS: challenges of a new disease
Dr Conceição Neves, Consultant, Paediatric Department
H.Fernando Fonseca- Lisboa
10.00 am Discussion: UK perspective
Dr Delane Shingadia, Senior Lecturer in Paediatric
Infectious Diseases, Barts and The London Medical and
Dental School, University of London, UK
10.10 am Open discussion
10.20 am Coffee
11.00 am Obesity in childhood
Dr Carla Rego, Consultant, Nutrition Unit, Paediatric
Department, H.S. João –Oporto, Portugal
11.30 am Management of Short Bowel Syndrome
Sue Protheroe, Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist,
Birmingham Children’s Hospital, UK
12.00 pm CF: Transition to adult care
Susan Madge, PhD Consultant Nurse, Royal Brompton
Hospital, London, UK
12.30 pm Difficult asthma
Dr Luísa Guedes Vaz, Consultant, Respiratory Unit,
Paediatric Department, H.S. João –Oporto, Portugal
1.00 pm Lunch
2.00 pm 6 Case/Research presentations
Presenters from UK and Portugal
4.00 pm Tea
4.20 pm Diabetes in the under 5s
Professor Amilcar Mota, Paediatric Surveillance Unit,
4.45 pm Indications and expectations for growth hormone
Mehul Dattani, Reader in Paediatric Endocrinology, BEM
Unit, Institute of Child Health, London, UK
5.10 pm End of day